Saturday, 26 May 2012

Deca Triathlon and Travel Warnings

A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine (Dr George Wortley) posted this on his face book page:

“Will be leaving early in the AM for Mexico and the Tarahumara Indians. David Horton is going with me. It is getting increasingly difficult to find helpers to go with me due to the Drug Wars. Why would 49 decapitated bodies in the road discourage anyone.”

It reminded me that Mexico, the location of the Deca Triathlon is anything but a safe place.  Sure many of the murders are those involved in the drug wars, but it is so very easy for innocent bystanders to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Since then I have been spending a significant amount of time deciding if the risk of going to do the Deca Triathlon is worth the risk! 

George has visited Copper Canyon and the Tarahumara Indians many times over many many years, starting well before the Born to Run craze of the last few years.  He is an incredibly kind hearted man that treks many miles to take not only food but also his incredible medical skills to see to their ailments as it is the only time they are able to see a doctor.  I know that George and ultra distance legend David will bring a lot of good to these communities.  And for them, because of their good hearts, the risk that they face traveling through remote and not so remote regions is far out weighed by the good that they will do.

But for those of us heading to Mexico for ourselves, and our own goals, is it worth it?  In reality the chances of being caught up in the drug wars is slim, Jorge the race director puts on a great race, he picks athletes up from the airport, the race is in a family park where we will be for the majority of the time, but that’s not to say that by some unlucky random chance, some group won’t decided to make a statement with a bunch of international crazies riding and running around a park for days on end. 

The logistics of organizing myself to get to the Deca Triathlon are hard enough as it is, I have already put my heart and sole into training and organizing.  My bike maker Rob English has taken the time in his busy schedule to whip me up a new bike.  It would be terrible to call off this epic mission, as it is very much part of who I am now.  The thought of just doing the Deca is immense and the commitment to pay up the entry fee a big one…’s hard enough without the worry of what might happen outside of the actual racing.  Yesterday I spent much to the 7 hours on my bike pondering such factors….the conclusion that I came to was…if the Deca Triathlon was in a location without travel warnings, I would now enter in a heartbeat – and the only thing stopping me now is the worry of those drug cartels in a country that I am unfamiliar with and don’t speak the language.

What to do?  Would going and racing this race be selfish?  It’s not only my safety at stake but also that of my support crew.  Or are these travel warnings over dramatizing the danger to Joe average innocent public?  

Or is this just another challenge to an already epic goal?  

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