Thursday, 29 March 2012

My first ever blog entry

Almost everyone I have met in the last 10 years of my life has called me crazy at least once, and one of my friends only refers to me as “Krazy Kiwi”.  So I thought it was time to share the craziness, and in doing so, amuse, entertain, inspire or empower people by demonstrating that, with the right amount of hard work, even the things that seem impossibly crazy are indeed possible!

Many crazy adventures have gone before, but the current crazy adventure is the “Decatriathlon World Challenge”, a race being held in Monterrey Mexico from 22nd October 2012 – 5th November 2012.  This race is ten times the distance of  a standard ironman triathlon, so 38km swim, 1800km bike ride and finished up with a 422km run!  It’s hard to imagine a race of that distance (even for me), but those distances are roughly equivalent of swimming from the Auckland Viaduct to Waiheke island and back, getting on a bike and riding down to Invercargill via the west coast, and then turning around and running up to Timaru (and a little further).  Usually by this time in the conversation people will have already told me that they think I am crazy, and if not, the next bit certainly does – the swim will be in a 50m pool while the bike and run will be completed by riding and running on a 1km loop!!!

Is it physically and mentally possible to complete this race in under the 14 day time limit?  Well a small handful of people in the world have finished, so it must be possible. But can I do it? I believe I can.  It’s a huge goal, not only physically and mentally, but also logistically. But part of the reason that I undertake these crazy goals (which include Double and Triple Irontriathlons, Taupo MaxiEnduro bike race, and a PhD in molecular biology) is to work out HOW to do it – mentally, physically, and logistically.

This blog will not only track my progress in getting to and competing in the race (as well as live race updates), but I’ll also share with you how my life as a scientist is intricately important in my life as an ultradistance athlete and as an inspirational speaker.  I plan on sharing my aspirations, inspirations, and motivations. Who knows, I may even surprise people by showing them how normal I am – even though I most definitely do crazy things! 


  1. Hi Chris - I am looking forward to reading your blogs. Off to San Francisco tommorrow so will catch you when I get back.

    Blog on
    Mark S

  2. Most excellent blogging start Chris. Can't wait to read more as you train for the Deca and beyond. I have to say though, I don't think you're crazy. You've certainly been an inspiration and valued mentor to me on my own journey to become an ultradistance athlete.


    1. Ahhh yes, when I met Mitch he was the tender young age of 50, and every week when we ran he would tell me about the 2 marathons he had run years earlier and how he could never run that far again. Time and time again I told him I didn't believe that. Eight years on he is going to run his first 100miler! Crazy infulence by Christine - I think so! Be warned this could happen to others!

  3. I'm delighted to have discovered your blog Christine, and hope that your deca training is going well. I'm a kiwi in the UK, does ultra triathlon exist in NZ? There have been some amazing stories from the Enduroman Deca this year, plenty of food for thought if you fancy browsing some of the race reports?

    Anyway best of luck, keep us updated on the training.
